Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ask Drs. Terrence, Ryan, and Reid Wenger: How do I floss with braces?

Our team at Wenger Orthodontics understands how essential flossing is to proper oral health, especially when you have braces! Here is a very concise video explaining the proper way to floss your teeth. Floss threaders can be a helpful tool for flossing those hard to reach spots where floss doesn't easily bend under the arch wire. Many people think that flossing is only to get the food out from in between your teeth, when actually flossing should be done every day on every tooth to help protect your teeth and gums.

Happy flossing!

-Your friends at Wenger Orthodontics

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Five tips for summer travel, from Wenger Orthodontics

Most of us take a vacation during the summer, and often forget to pack the most important of things. Recently, our staff at Wenger Orthodontics came across an interesting article from that outlined five important tips for summer travel with children. We strongly encourage you to give this article a read if you’re heading out with the family this summer. Here are even more tips you can use to ensure your vacation packing—and the traveling itself—goes as smooth as possible!

Happy traveling! Be sure to share your summer photos on our Facebook page! Our team loves to stay connected with our patients in between office visits.

- Dr. Wenger and team

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wenger Orthodontics supporting National Ice Cream Month

Our team at Wenger Orthodontics wants to know: Is dairy a major part of your diet? If not, it should be! A 2008 study from the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) has found that regular consumption of dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt, can actually lower your chances of contracting periodontal disease (also known as gum disease). Results of the study also showed that adults who consume at least 55 grams of lactic acid a day are less at risk for gum disease. Besides, it's National Ice Cream Month!

Cheese is one of the healthiest snacks for your child's teeth. In addition to providing large amounts of much-needed calcium, cheese also does its part to fight cavities. Cheddar, Swiss, Mozzarella, and Monterey Jack all stimulate the body's salivary glands to clear the mouth of debris and protect them from acids that weaken them, according to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. This means cheese disrupts the development of cavities, especially when eaten as a snack or at the end of a meal. Calcium and phosphorous found in cheese reduce or prevent decreases in the plaque's ph level and work to re-mineralize the enamel of your child's teeth.

Gum disease is caused by a bacterial infection in the mouth that affects the gums and jaw. Gum disease results in a loss of teeth and bone, and has been connected to certain cases of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, respiratory disease and osteoporosis.

Eating dairy is not just healthy for building strong bones, but is essential for maintaining a strong, healthy mouth. Next time you reach for a quick snack, choose dairy, and remember with each bite, and every sip you are preserving your teeth for a lifetime of smiles and good oral health. Also, don't shy too much away from the ice cream, after all, July is National Ice Cream Month! Isn't that a good enough reason for some delicious ice cream?

For more information about which dairy foods are best for keeping your teeth healthy, please give us a call!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Celebrities love braces, too!

Did you know that back in 2002, Tom Cruise had braces? At this time, he was 40 years old and filmed Minority Report, Austin Powers in Goldmember and the Last Samurai. Check out his smile in Jerry Maguire, Rain Man or The Firm and compare to the post-braces Tom Cruise in Valkyrie or Tropic Thunder. The fact is, movie stars need to look their best for the silver screen, and it wouldn't be possible without orthodontists like Drs. Reid, Ryan, and Terrence Wenger and our team.

In fact, lots of Hollywood stars have had orthodontic treatment. If you’ve thought about getting the perfect smile you’ve always wanted, please give Wenger Orthodontics a cal1!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Why do you choose Wenger Orthodontics?

Our team at Wenger Orthodontics strives to provide you with superior treatment in a enjoyable, friendly atmosphere. Drs. Terrence, Ryan, and Reid Wenger thought that we'd ask you, our amazing patients: Have you been especially impressed by our staff? Did our team go out of their way to make sure that you had a great visit? Are you loving your new smile?

Whether you've just come in for a consultation or your family has been visiting our office for years, we'd love to hear your feedback. Or, you can let us know what you think by posting on our Facebook page or by giving our office a call!

Thank you,

The team at Wenger Orthodontics